Frequently Asked Questions

What is lunar nectar?

Lunar nectar is a chemical found inside of the moon. It is very poisonous but we put it through a long process that extracts the poison from the liquid. Without the poisonous chemical it is about the best thing you will every taste. It is only found inside the moon, nowhere else and it is naturally hot pink but we can dye it different colors for different candies.

How do I get Crater’s Candy?

You can do two things to get our one of a kind candy. You can go online and order it which is a little bit more expensive, or you can go to one of our stores. Our stores are found virtually anywhere and bags of candy are about five dollars less than what it would be if you were to buy it online.

Why Space llamas?

Why would we make a llama from space our main candy? Many people ask this question. Space llamas were an accident. Nikolai Volkmann dropped an animal cracker into a pot of lunar nectar one day and found that the lunar nectar made the animal cracker taste amazing. We wanted to be different, we wanted to take a risk, so instead of regular animal crackers we changed it to Space llamas to go with our space theme.

Why so expensive?

Why is everything so expensive? It is expensive for two reasons. One, the only things in the world that contains lunar nectar is Crater’s Candy. Our candy is one of a kind. There is nothing else like it. And two, we have to ship our candy from the moon to earth. Imagine how much rocket fuel costs.

How did Nikolai Die?

Nikolai, our first company owner, died from brain cancer on April 1st, 2010. It was a rare form of cancer that was most often fatal. He was couldn’t leave his bed for three months before he finally gave. His last words were to his son, Makell Volkmann. He told his son that he was leaving Crater’s Candy Company in his hands. Fortunately Makell is doing a very good job keeping the company on its feet.