
In 1996 Nikolai Volkmann found a hot pink liquid inside of the moon. It was extremely poisonous and has to go through a long process that extracts the poisonous chemicals from the sweet liquid. He called it lunar nectar. It makes your taste buds dance when added to sugar. When you taste cinnamon by itself it tastes horrible. But if you add it to something and bake it, it taste amazing. Same thing with lunar nectar. When added to sugar it’s like you flew to heaven and drank from the fountain of life.

Two years later Nikolai flew to the moon and started building the multi-billion dollar candy company we are today. Construction took three years to complete. They had to figure out a way to keep oxygen inside of the building. They built a machine that took the carbon dioxide that we exhale and recycled it into oxygen creating a life time supply of air. After they built the machine, they had to drill into the center of the moon to get to the lunar nectar. The moon pumps out about 30 gallons of lunar nectar a day so our sources are limited but we got by.

Blast off

Business really kicked off in 2003 when Nikolai accidentally dropped an animal cracker into a pool of lunar nectar. He was curious of how it would taste and after he ate it these were his exact words, “It’s like everyone in the entire universe came together to create the perfect food, and here I am holding it.” It was heaven in a bite. He then added chocolate and peanut butter to his accidental creation and found that it made it taste even better. He called them Space Llamas. Space Llamas were our first big selling candy. 

After Space Llamas, a line of amazing candies were created. They all had our lunar nectar inside of them. Some popular ones were the Meteor Bar, M.O.T.M Cake, Star Bar, and Galactic Gummy Bears. They all were sold for about 30 dollars a bag. You may ask, “Why so expensive?” Well there is a simple answer for that. One, we have to ship the candy back to earth. Two, our candies are the only candies in the world that contain lunar nectar. That is why.

Life on the moon today

Now-a-days the business owner is no longer Nikolai Volkmann. Unfortunately he died in 2010 from brain cancer but before he laid rest for eternity he gave Crater’s Candy Company to his son named Makell Volkmann. Makell expanded the billion dollar factory and started building Crater’s Candy stores on the earth. The factory on the moon ships out millions of bags of candy a year to the stores on earth. Makell also created a few more candies called the Artemis Energy Bar, Meteor Munchies, and the Moon-pop. Without Nikolai and Makell Volkmann we could not enjoy the sweet taste of lunar nectar or have all of this delicious candy that we all crave for.